Happy New Year, and welcome to 2010!
I thought I'd use this post to look back at 2009 and to reflect on this blog and how it's going.
I made the first post on the blog on 17 August 2009 and there are 43 posts in total.
One question that I answered very early on, and it was really by trial and error, was, how often should blog posts be made?
And, in the Internet Marketing niche, the answer has to be once or twice a week.
Any more than that, people lose interest and it's difficult to find interesting things to say.
Any less than that, and the blog just loses visibility.
So, that's the pattern I'm going to stick to for 2010, unless I get any suggestions to the contrary, so subscribe to the RSS feed, or the mailing list and you'll be able to be easily kept informed with what's happening.
Thanks for being a reader and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog in 2010.
Do post below if you do.