Product Creation

Theory, Without Examples = Rubbish Product

One of the trends I've been observing recently in the product creation world, whether this is for Warrior Special Offers, standalone products, or high ticket items, has been about the construction of the information in the product.

Personally, if I am going to create a product, or promote a product created by someone else, I need to know that that product is going to contain actionable information. One of the quickest ways to turn me off promoting is to release a product which contains only theory. There is a way around this.


Theory Only Products

Often, a theory only product comes along like this. A product creator decides to hire a writer to come up with a product on a topic that they think will sell. Typically, the writer has no real experience in that area, and so they have to resort to looking at other products, free articles on the Internet, or even inside free pages of books found on Amazon.

Now, high quality writers, the kind that you have to pay more money for, will drill down a bit further than that. They might visit a real library. They might contact people and find out ideas directly from them. They might even buy other products and put these on your bill.

What happens with the low quality research. You end up a rehashed product, full of a lot of theory, but without any concrete examples. And, that's not what readers and product consumers want to know. They want real examples. They want to know what worked and what didn't work. That's why case study products work so well, telling the story, warts and all.


Using Experience To Your Advantage

If you have had your own experience, that's great. Add this directly to the product.

Even without your own examples, there are ways to add examples into a product. It's called being a reporter, and it's how journalists work every day. They find real examples, and retell them – making it very clear that the examples aren't their own.

A further hint for writers. If you can set yourself apart from the rehash style, you can charge more for your writing. You'll probably even find it to be a more pleasant writing experience. There may be more work to be done to collect examples and go beyond the theory, but it will be worth it in the long-term for you.


What Do You Think?

Do you have anything to add to this post? Have you come across low quality WSOs and other products and wondered what can be done about them? Are you looking to position your own products higher in the marketplace and to add more value to them?

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