
The Forum Challenge

Here's an easy challenge for you, to add 100 links to your site in four minutes or less. It won't work for everyone, but if you've been on the Internet for any length of time, you're probably ready to go for this. It's a challenge, so I want you to tell me how you get […]


Two Way Linking Strategies – Too Old Fashioned?

Every so often I receive an e-mail looking something like this: Hi, I've been looking at your blog/site xxx and really like it. I run a similar site at yyy. How would you like to link to my site from yours? In return I'll put a link from my site back to yours. Sounds like […]


SEO Your WordPress Blog in 3 Minutes or Less

In this post I want to share with you the simple steps you can take to SEO (search engine optimise) your wordpress blog.