
Ping Your RSS Feed For Traffic

If you don’t already do so, it’s well worth incorporating RSS feeds into your traffic generation strategies.

There are RSS feeds all around us. For instance, if you have a YouTube channel, you can generate an RSS feed from it. If you have an EzineArtcles account you have an RSS feed. If you have a blog (like this one) you have another.

It’s beneficial to submit these RSS feeds to as many places as possible. A lot of other sites pick up on feed content. This can mean they provide backlinks to your site (as well as easy mechanisms through which to get your content indexed) as well as giving you more exposure.

There are all sorts of different sites to submit your RSS feeds to. Submitting by hand can be an involved process.

That’s why I’d recommend using a service which will ping a whole load of different RSS directories with your content.

If you’ve not seen it, is great and a really easy way to do this. You just add the name of the site (think: the backlink anchor text which you want recorder for it), the RSS feed url and choose a topic. Your site will then be pinged to a whole load of places.

A great way to join the RSS bandwagon.

How do you use RSS feeds in your campaigns? Fill out the box and let us know.

8 replies on “Ping Your RSS Feed For Traffic”

hi – great info thanks.  at – do i put in the rss feed of my home page and then that of each page? or do i just put in the website site address and that of each page…or should i do both?! and do i put in rss feed of my articles?
New to pinging so actually go no idea what i am doing or why but sounds like i should be doing it!

The layout's changed a bit since I wrote the post, but it's quite straightforward. In the url box put your main RSS feed, as this should have links to all your important pages and posts.

You can ping individual pages, but that's much less efficient than pinging the feed.

You can ping multiple feeds. So if you've also got an EzineArticles account (say) find your RSS feed there and ping that too. Instant backlinks!

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